kitchen remodel

About the company

We offer quality, professional work at a reasonable rate. We strive to make you pleased with the final product by our attention-to-detail and strong work ethic. Contact us today for a quote for your project!

Dan — Co-Owner

Nate — Co-Owner

Associates — We hire professional, knowledgeable, courteous and hard-working associates as needs arise to work alongside of us on our projects.

DNA Crew

The Crew

It all started in 2015 with a few odd jobs. Fast forward 8 years and hundreds of jobs later and the crew has grown to a partnership between Dan and Nate, and even new associates in 2023!

DNA Philosophy

Our Philosophy

It is simple. Do work that we would want done in our home or business, provide quality craftsmanship that we can stand by and build relationships with our clients that bring us back again and again!

DNA Services


Call us for anything that you need done! We are jack-of-all-trades at DNA Builders. So, no matter what it is, we do it. We can do a project from start to finish-no need to coordinate multiple contractors.

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